Birthday Find

Model Trains

Sometimes it’s hard to keep a secret. And sometimes it’s oh, so worth every bite of the tongue. In June we went to the mini Antique Week in Bouckville. My son and I were in the lead on the dash to our favorite vendor with the rest of the family right behind us. As we negotiated the crowds, I caught sight of a big blue engine out of the corner of my eye. I frantically waved at it behind my back while I kept my son’s attention on getting through the crowd.

The Busy Report

Model Trains

The last couple of weeks have certainly been exciting! The Funtrak yearly picnic started things off. It was a lovely day and we greatly enjoyed meeting the other members of the club. The kids very obviously had a great time between outside play activities and the train layout in the basement.

Blue Eyez

Model Trains

It’s time for the Madison-Bouckville Antique Week again! This is where we connect with our favorite place to find model trains, Blue Eyez Auctions. Their tent is the first place we head for when we get to the festival. They always have a box or two of train stuff and Miss Erin is always happy to let us dig through it to our heart’s content. This can take a while. After all, these are big decisions for a little guy.

Safety Post

Model Trains

The first question that pops into a parent’s head when buying toys for their child is often “Is it safe?” I’m not going to lie to you. Model trains are meant to run in circles on a track in a layout and that movement is the fascination for any age. But for the three to seven crowd, their toys are their friends. They have names and feelings and needs. When the train is done running the track, a younger child will want to snuggle and feed it. They’ll probably want to sleep with it, too. The slightly older child will want to take their train along on their day to share experiences with it. Since most model trains say that… Continue Reading…

You’re Never Too Young For A Model Train Friend

Model Trains

When my son first started clamoring for model trains, as opposed to Thomas and other “children’s” trains, I had to make a decision. Did I want to let him play with something that he was supposed to be five years too young to play with? After much thought, I decided that I wanted to allow him the freedom to explore the hobby at his developmental level and made ways to make it work for him. Some of these ideas might be helpful to you. First, I made sure that we were all clear on what are model trains and what are toy trains. Model trains run on electricity. Toy trains either run on batteries or are pushed/ pulled by hand.

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